Blessing Your Missionaries

We know that you and your congregation enjoy blessing World Partners’ missionaries while they are both on the field and during Home Ministry Assignment (HMA). Below are some ideas from World Partners about how to connect with and be a blessing to your missionaries!

While they are on the field:

  • If you send a short term team, be sure they are:
    • Meeting a need the missionaries told you about
    • Not expecting a trip that is just cultural tourism
    • Well prepared culturally, spiritually, and physically for their assignment(s)
    • Equipped with an attitude of servanthood and learning
    • On the lookout for ways they can serve and bless the missionaries as well as the local people
  • Send people to see the work and visit the missionaries; no big project or agenda needed

While they are on Home Ministry Assignment:

  • Few things are more frustrating than being asked 90 million times, “So how was Kenya?” Consider how you would tell someone you haven’t seen in two years about those last two years of your life. It’s overwhelming! Instead, come prepared with some more specific questions that show you are truly interested in learning about your missionaries’ lives. Here are some ideas to get you thinking:
    • What is your favorite local dish in __________?
    • Tell me about one person in _________ that has really been a blessing to you this term.
    • How is God growing you personally?  In your ministry?
    • What foods were you most excited to eat during HMA?
    • Is there anything from the US that you stock up on to take back with you?
    • How do you connect with people in your field country?
    • What has been really hard this term?
    • Tell me about the language in _______________.  Do you speak it?  Can you teach me how to say something simple?
    • What is one of the most exciting things that happened this term?
    • What is the name of one person in _____________ that you want me to pray for during your coming term?
    • Can you tell me a funny story about a language or cultural mistake you made?
    • What resource would be most helpful to advance your work in ______________?
    • Do you still miss your US home?
    • What do you wish your supporters knew?
    • How can we partner together to see God’s work done in your field country?
    • What parts of life there are great?
    • If I only pray for one thing on your behalf during your next term, what would you want it to be?

What is a Regional Strategy Coordinator?

