What is a Regional Strategy Coordinator?

What is a Regional Strategy Coordinator (RSC)? RSCs are individuals committed to spreading the Father’s love in the Spirit’s power by obeying the Son’s command to disciple the nations. They do this so that God may be glorified in all the earth.

How many RSCs does World Partners have? World Partners has fourteen RSCs throughout the world. They are led by Rick Dugan, the World Partners Director of International Development, and they are called the Global Leadership Team.

Where are they located? We have RSCs located in various parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America.

What does a Regional Strategy Coordinator do? RSCs inspire, train, and support men and women to make disciples to the fourth generation with the intention that disciple making movements will spread and multiply throughout the world. They cast vision for the Great Commission and network emerging leaders and churches so they will multiply. They also develop regional disciple making strategies and coach national leaders and World Partners staff in multiplying disciples.

What do the funds given to the RSC project (wpartners.org/ministries/projects/opportunities-for-regional-strategy-coordinators) go towards? The funds help the RSCs to take advantage of opportunities to make the gospel available to those who have not heard. The funds assist with RSC travel expenses, training costs, and providing Bibles for those being discipled by the RSCs.

What does it mean that some RSCs are secure and why are their names or specific areas they are located not mentioned? Many RSCs work in some of the world’s most spiritually dark places. Their stand for Christ puts them or those they work with in jeopardy of being jailed or even losing their lives. For security, we only use the title for some of our RSCs.

How can I meet and speak with an RSC? All of the World Partners RSCs will be in the U.S. in July 2019. They will be speaking in some churches and attending SHIFT National Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, so you have the opportunity to meet with them during this time. If you are in the Fort Wayne area and are interested in having an RSC speak at your church in July, contact Tami Swymeler at swymelers@frontier.com.

Photo: RSC James leading a discipleship conference in Africa




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