Collins Retire From World Partners

Denny and Linda Collins retired from World Partners on March 31, 2017.Denny spent fifteen years on the field of Spain and returned to the U.S. to become the associate pastor of outreach and missions at Bethel Missionary Church, Yake, MI, in July of 2000.For the past twelve years, Denny and Linda Collins have been working the hard soil of Dublin, Ireland. The Collins’ adopted the slogan, “learn and serve,” in becoming part of life among the Irish people. Denny and Linda have ministered in homeless shelters and volunteered in Kids’ Clubs. Throughout the years, the Collins have been part of seeing individuals come to Christ and be baptized. They have started discipleship groups, established church communities, and trained leaders to become disciple makers. Though confident of God's leading in this decision, it has been a difficult one to make. Denny and Linda ask that you would pray for the believers as they have taken charge of the ministry there, and that the harvest would be plentiful in Dublin and throughout Europe.Denny states, “There will always be work to do in kingdom building. I challenge each of you, as you go, to consider how you are making Christ known to your friends, family, and colleagues. The world needs to see Jesus through you.”While the Collins aren’t yet positive what their future holds, caring for Denny's parents and their health needs will be one part. We're confident that Denny and Linda won't be retiring from ministry and discipleship! We look forward with the Collins to seeing how God will choose to work in and through them in this next season of their life.World Partners appreciates all Denny and Linda have done in their ministry and wishes them well in the future. 


