Disaster Relief

We have all watched the news and seen the devastation that Hurricane Harvey and Irma have brought.Our churches need your help. We need to help, and we need YOUR help to do it!Steve Jones is urging ALL of our churches to collect offerings or to donate immediately from your church's resources to aid our hurting churches in the affected areas. Each person can give directly. Every dollar you send will go directly toward hurricane relief as our brothers and sisters struggle to regain their footing, and not one dime will be used for any other purpose!We have set up four options for giving:1. Emergency Assistance to Houston-area Missionary Church Pastors and Churches (Account #T-135)2. Hurricane Irma Emergency Assistance to Missionary Church Pastors and Churches (Account #T-137)We want to help our godly brothers and sisters who have lost so much, including church buildings in immediate need of repair.3. Emergency Community Assistance for Houston Area (Account #T-132)4. Hurricane Irma Emergency Community Assistance (Account #T-136)Our local churches will funnel immediate relief to the communities in which they are located, enabling them to rise to the occasion, bringing the love of Christ to their own neighborhoods. Our own churches will distribute not only food and resources, but also the gospel as they develop relationships with needy people in their communities. While all of us admire the efforts of the Red Cross and others to do large-scale disaster relief, imagine how the Lord could use the opportunities our own churches have to build relationships while providing relief to lost people in their own mission fields!Contributions may be made by sending a check to Missionary Church, PO Box 9127, Fort Wayne, IN 46899 or online at mcusa.org where you can give by credit card and indicate in the Additional Note section how you want your funds designated.Continue to pray for our brothers and sisters. Pray also for those in the path of Hurricane Jose.




Howard and Ruth Moser Retire From WP