Sixteen years ago after the Twin Towers came down, the Pentagon was attacked, and another plane headed for the capitol crashed in Pennsylvania, there was a brief resurgence of interest in spiritual matters. Many thought this might be the beginning of a spiritual awakening in the country. Church attendance increased for a time and then waned.  Revival did not come.

Over the past days and weeks, the U.S. has faced unprecedented natural disasters – hurricanes, floods and wild fires. Some have lost loved ones. Homes have been destroyed and many have lost personal property. Millions have experienced the inconvenience of loss of power and evacuations. Could this be the time when hearts will be open to seek God?

We praise God for the individual stories of miracles – places where God held the waters back from entering homes – lives that have been spared. He has given us glimpses of his grace and mercy.

Prayer is needed now as much as it was prior to and during the storms. There are the very practical prayer requests – the temporal ones – prayers for health and safety in the midst of tainted water and downed power lines. We need prayer that God will show His generosity with resources to rebuild and provide food and water and that He will give strength and endurance for the rebuilding.

It is in the heart of God to do even greater works through these disasters. The greatest miracles will be those wrought in the hearts of men and women. Pray that in the midst of the chaos people will seek God. Pray for a great harvest over these next weeks and months as pastors and churches minister to victims of these tragedies.

As we look at history, it is during desperate times that people tend to seek the Lord.  Could we make this a prayer priority? While there are large portions of the country unaffected by the storms, the spiritual impact that could be felt if people seek the Lord could spread across the nation. Pray for that great awakening.




Disaster Relief