We have all seen multiple images of the devastation in Houston and also in Florida. The damage from wind and water is unimaginable to those who are not living in the midst of it. People impacted by these storms still need our prayers.In spite of all the devastation , God is at work. President Donald Trump called for a National Day of Prayer for Houston on September 3, 2017 raising the awareness of our need for Divine intervention to recover from hurricane Harvey.  In the early years of our nation’s history it was not uncommon for national leaders to call for days of fasting and prayer. President Trump’s call to prayer is a reminder of our dependency on God.At least four of our pastors in the Houston area reported that flood waters came up to their houses but stopped before entering.  One pastor reports that the waters rose to cover his mailbox but people started to pray and the waters never entered his house.Puerto Rico looked to be in the eye of the storm and yet there are testimonies of the people praying and acknowledging very little damage. One person wrote, “God did a miracle because we did not feel anything as strong as it was supposed to be. “This is not to minimize the loss that many have experienced.  It is only to say that God was and is still on the throne and is still at work. We know that many of the predictions were for greater storm surges and greater damage in certain parts of the country from hurricane Irma. The tendency is to say that the weathermen overstated what might happen. Could it be that God was at work in response to the prayers of His people? Could it be that lives were spared because believers were praying?This is not a time to quit praying – the storms are over but the suffering and loss are not. As we continue to pray, what might we see God do over these next months? Perhaps He will provide provisions in unprecedented ways or perhaps the Church will respond as never before. Perhaps, even in the rubble, people will see the grace and mercy of God and seek Him with their whole heart.


30-Day Praying for Your Pastor Challenge
