Discipleship Forum in Africa

Last week, World Partners staff Dr. David Bjork held the first discipleship forum at the Cameroon Faculty of Evangelical Theology in Cameroon, Africa. Over two hundred men and women from twenty different nations and thirty various Christian denominations and movements attended. During the four day forum, attendees reflected on current discipleship and disciple-making experiences in Africa.The main goal of the forum was to nurture an exchange of experiences, create an awareness of what God is doing, permit attendees to develop meaningful relationships, and encourage one another in the task of making disciples in Africa.The days began with a short meditation on a biblical text seen through the lens of discipleship. Then, a plenary session was held where a testimony was given by a person engaged in disciple-making in Africa. This was followed by teaching on disciple-making topics. The attendees also shared together in one of thirteen daily workshops offered. There were also daily round table discussions during which a panel of disciple-makers fielded questions from the participants.A pastor attending the forum stated, “Now I finally understand what my ministry should be all about.” Another attendee who is actively involved in disciple-making stated, “Hearing the testimonies of men and women from around the continent has encouraged me to persevere in my own obedience to Christ’s command to make disciples.”Pray the attendees of this forum will quickly and intentionally apply to their own lives the things which God pointed out to them during the forum. Pray for David and Diane as they continue to make disciples and lead others to make disciples in Cameroon and throughout Africa.


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