Effectual, fervent prayer

James wrote, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16 NKJV).  He wrote it in the context of praying for those who are sick and confessing our sins to one another.  He went on to illustrate the power of prayer by telling the story of Elijah praying that it would not rain and it did not rain for three and a half years.I was recalling recently the prayer meetings in my home church when I was a child. In those days, we all knelt at pews; everyone prayed at the same time and everyone prayed aloud. I remember a sense of urgency about those prayers – prayers for specific people to be saved – prayers for healing – prayers for God’s leading in the life of individuals and in the life of the church.Prayers were fervent. There was passion. There was nothing casual about the prayers. They reflected hearts desperate for God to work in the lives of those for whom they were interceding.Because of the fervent prayers of men and women in Missionary Churches around the world, God has blessed the ministry of the Missionary Church. We are seeing a multiplication of disciples around the world through our missionary staff who are supported by the prayers of people in local churches.We have seen an increase in the number of churches in North America and an increasing multiplication of disciples in our own country because of the prayers of men and women in local churchesThis summer pastors and leaders of the Missionary Church will gather in Fort Wayne for our National Conference – SHIFT!.  At that conference there will be men and women teaching the Word. There will be workshops to equip pastors and laymen alike. New relationships will be established and long term relationships will be rekindled. There will be business meetings where decisions will be made that impact the direction of the Missionary Church.As leaders gather this summer, we need to be certain that this event is covered in prayer – praying for protection for those who will be traveling; praying for God’s anointing on speakers; praying for God’s leading in all decisions and praying for hearts to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit.We are calling for a week of 24/7 prior to conference. That week of prayer will begin on Monday, July 3 at 1:00 PM. The president and the directors will begin the week of prayer by praying together during that first hour.You can be a part of this prayer covering. Go to www.mcusa.org/prayfirst and sign-up for a time slot.   You can sign—up as an individual or as a group.  You will be able to go on line and pray with others who have signed-up for the same time slot. As we get closer to conference we will send specific instructions as well as prayer requests for conference. Your prayers will make a difference.


Final Election Results


Executive Leadership Team