Executive Leadership Team

Disciple multiplication through World Partners is currently taking place in 115 countries. This has expanded the number of national Missionary Churches by almost 30%.Due to this rapidly expanding ministry we have moved from having one director to an executive leadership team of three equals who focus on a specific aspect of the ministry. The executive leadership team began operation on July 1, 2017, in the World Partners office in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

tamiTami Swymeler serves as Director of Operations. She provides support for the entire World Partners team by overseeing the details of running a multi-national organization. 
duganRick Dugan serves as the Director of International Development. He works directly with our field missionaries, affiliates, and national partners around the world.  
MannDave Mann serves as the Director of Strategic Partnerships. He assists churches and individuals in finding ways to fulfill the call God has placed on them for involvement in international ministry.


Effectual, fervent prayer
