Get Involved in Spain!

These are certainly difficult times for many.  We can’t help but think that the whole scenario is preparing for the second coming of our Lord.But it is also true that all this represents a challenge for the church, for it is necessary that this gospel be preached to all nations.From what is being seen in many places, the Lord is raising a church for this time, a church that is intentional, not waiting for things to happen but connected to God's purpose by intentionally making incarnate the love of God on earth.That is why we have set out to organize an event addressed to pastors and leaders, who in their hearts are longing to be part of what God is doing.We chose Spain because of what is happening there. We believe that what we are going to hear will be of great use to the church in America, which will encourage pastors and leaders to commit themselves to the last commandment Jesus gave to the church--to make disciples of all nations.We encourage each pastor and leader to participate in this experience.  We believe it will change the perspective of those who participate.We will have Spanish leaders giving the teaching related to the subject.  We will see examples of what a church is doing in this place and how it is expanding.  We will visit places where there was no church and how it is beginning to work.We are praying for each one of you, that the Lord will provide and help those He wants us to be in this event. If you would like to attend, please contact World Partners staff and coordinator David de la Rosa at immediately.


Participa en España!
