God has a way of working in unexpected ways to accomplish His purposes. In ancient history, events like the parting of the Red Sea and the fall of Jericho rank high as God’s surprising work. In a few weeks, we will celebrate one of the world’s greatest surprises–the resurrection of Jesus. Even though Jesus had predicted it, it was so far beyond the understanding of His followers that when Mary Magdalene came to the empty tomb, she assumed someone had stolen Jesus’ body. Imagine the disciples’ surprise when Jesus appeared in their midst behind locked doors.

Easter is coming—what are you expecting? Will there be a cantata or special depiction of the Passion? Will there be special music and a fresh telling of the story of Easter? Perhaps Easter means time with family and a special Easter dinner.

BUT. . .have you considered what God wants to do in your community and in your church during Easter? Who are the people God might want to surprise by His visit to touch their hearts. What are you praying for during this season? Who are the people you are interceding for?

When I was a college student, the church I was attending experienced a season of great harvest. Nearly every week someone accepted Christ as their Savior. It was a season of expectation that had been preceded by a season of prayer.

As you anticipate the Easter season, in addition to praying for great productions by the music department or great sermons by the pastoral staff, pray for God’s presence. Pray that God will touch hearts and that every service will not be just a “great service,” but that they will be fruitful services–that people will embrace the message of the cross for the first time by realizing their sins have been covered, and that they can be raised to newness of life.

Enter the Easter season expecting God to touch lives and for there to be a great harvest!


Africa Staff Conference Update
