Marriage on Mission

“There was a resignation in her voice that alarmed me last night - in some ways it has been like watching a woman making preparations for her life after the divorce is final... I am supposed to be the one who makes her happy.  But I have failed.  And after 18 years I have come to the place where I have lost hope that Sandi will ever truly be happy or content.  I have come to the place where I am now looking beyond our marriage to feel like I am successful at something important.”~ Tom’s journal, August 1, 2007 So begins the story of the breaking and remaking of a marriage on mission.  The Blaylocks identify three must win battles in their long journey back from the brink of ministry burnout and marital quicksand: 1.       Forsaking the idolatry of a counterfeit identity2.       Owning what is mine and helping you to own what is yours3.       Practicing simple, missional rhythms long term Take a moment today to learn more about their story at


PrayLink | Feb. 9, 2016


Global Prayer Network | Feb. 8, 2016