PrayLink | Feb. 9, 2016

CYPRUS: RICK DUGAN has provided direction and arranged training for a new generation of student leaders in two universities in northern Cyprus. He has helped equip interns to lead their own inductive Bible studies. Currently, the interns are discipling a young Indonesian student who is studying the Bible with two Japanese students who don’t yet know Jesus. This is the fourth generation of disciples! He’s also helping a Bulgarian friend start an intentional Bible study and prayer group for his Bulgarian disciples.GUINEA: BRUCE and DAWN CLUCKIE are currently in Soulemania. Bruce and Pastor Kelifa have started recording an audio series called “God’s Story,” a chronological teaching of the Bible. This is in oral form and will useful for those who want to learn more about the Bible, but are pre-literate. Pray Bruce and Pastor Kelifa will soon be able to complete this project.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he meets tonight with the six men participating in the Missions/Discipleship House on Bethel College campus in Mishawaka, Indiana. Praise! Each of the six men are currently discipling another individual. Pray also for Bill and Debbie as they lead “The Art of Marriage” February 12-13. There are still openings if you would like to attend. Make your reservations at EAST: Praise as a STAFF MEMBER states, “Keep praying for me, but things are going really well ministry wise. God’s presence has been as close as ever. He guides me every step of the way.”GUINEA: DAWN ANDERSON is currently teaching health classes to women in Grand Kondebun. The classes are going well with good interaction and comprehension by the women. Pray for Dawn as she reaches out to these women. The baby with the cleft palate, Gnyma, was not able to have surgery to repair her palate as she was not old enough. The good news is that she was put into a program to gain weight and has been able to do so. Gnyma’s mother was encouraged by being around others with children with the same condition and by the caring staff of the hospital.GUINEA: The GUINEA TEAM requests prayer for Pastor Kelifa, his wife, Mamata, and their children who live in Soulemania. Pray for his son, Frigi, who recently hurt his ankle and jaw and is recovering. Pray also for believers in the outlying villages to become more connected with one another, grow in their faith, and for more to come to Christ.UNITED STATES: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER who requests prayer that the negative spirit she is currently feeling would leave her and that she would learn the things that God has set for her to learn at her current internship. Pray God would fill her with new motivation to do His work and to be light in the darkness.SOUTHEAST ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER and other consultants as they meet as a staff to discuss professional development and future plans for the network. Pray also as the staff member will be making a proposal that will increase the scope of the families they serve.SPAIN: Pray for DON DAY as the hearing in his right ear has gone and he can only hear low frequencies. This happened in only a few minutes. Don and Judy are currently in England, but Don will seek medical attention for it once he returns to Spain.BULGARIA: Praise! PETE and URSULA HUBLEY and JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS were able to have a team meeting in Kazanlak, Bulgaria, last weekend and it was positive time of planning and fellowship.Pray that the unrest in the world would move people to turn their eyes to the Heavenly Father. May faith not fear be our response!


Global Prayer Network | Feb. 22


Marriage on Mission