PrayLink | Feb. 28, 2017

ECUADOR: Pray for DAVE and LOLLY ERDEL as they counsel and assist individuals who have been abused or abandoned. They request prayer for the Lord to give them wisdom and empathy to effectively serve people who need hope and help.SPAIN: Pray for DAVID and ESTHER de la ROSA as they share their vision of discipleship with Hispanic and Puerto Rican pastors and ministry leaders. Pray also that they would be able to purchase a car so their ministry is not limited to a specific area. Pray for David as he supports, encourages, and assists a new leader who is planting a church.HUNGARY: Pray for GRACE McBRIER as she leads thirty women and encourages them in their spiritual lives and as they reach their families and co-workers. David and Grace also request prayer that the schools would allow them to teach baseball and/or softball techniques to the students.ASIA: Praise! A STAFF MEMBER reports more children attended English Club meetings last week.RUSSIA: Pray for JOHN and JULIE GERIG as they disciple and work in ministry with teenagers. Pray for one teen who is trying to find healing and another who is growing in ministry. Pray also for John’s youth ministry materials as they are being published.BULGARIA: Pray for PETE and URSULA HUBLEY as they lead English Club on a regular basis and for the opportunities it presents them to not only live their faith in front of the group, but also to share their faith. Pray for the Hubleys as they show others the love of Christ through their words and actions on a daily basis.UNITED STATES: Pray for STAN and VALLI YODER as they help host a training event at Hillcrest Covenant Church in Kansas City, Kansas, on March 10-11.BULGARIA: Pray for JOSH HAWKINS as he and another ministry partner explore ministry opportunities at a small board game club in town. Pray also as he begins full contact football practice tomorrow.ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER’s ministry partner who has cancer. He has decided to not seek medical intervention and is putting his life back in God’s hands. He has not told anyone other than the staff couple. Pray for him, his family, and the staff couple as they walk along with him on this path.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he prepares a session for the Bethel College Task Force Teams Training on March 11. It was requested of him to develop an interactive time on “Living as a Disciple and Spiritual Warfare.”SPAIN: Pray for REBECCA BUMPUS as she disciples Amanda. Pray Amanda would continue to walk with Christ even amongst outside pressure.MIDDLE EAST: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as he prepares to lead two training conferences for evangelism and discipleship in March.Elections were held in Ecuador on February 19. Pray these new leaders will promote justice and reduce corruption.Pray for the World Partners staff involved in language learning as this is a difficult process for many of them. Pray they would not be afraid to practice their language skills in a new culture.Pray for the World Partners staff currently on Home Ministry Assignment (HMA) and those planning their HMA for this summer. Pray those coming to the U.S. this summer will easily figure out how to schedule times for churches, individuals, housing and transportation.




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