PrayLink | Oct. 31, 2017

SIERRA LEONE: Pray for STEVE HARRIGAN, Jordan Ooomi, and Daniel Lopez as they are currently in Sierra Leone for two weeks. They will be partnering with national pastors in a leadership conference on making disciples. Pray for EZEKIEL ANGO, SHAUN FUTCH, and JANET NICKEL as they join Steve and the others to cast a vision for disciples making at the conference. Pray the conference attendees will be transformed by the Holy Spirit to see disciple multiplication as their mandate.

AFRICA: EZEKIEL ANGO is preparing to hold a discipleship conference next year in Ghana.

He requests prayer that God would help them succeed in their plans to spark disciple making movements throughout Ghana. The trainings will take place in three separate places throughout various parts of Ghana. Ezekiel also requests prayer as he makes contacts in Benin Republic and southwest and southeast Nigeria. Pray also for disciple-makers working in ministry with Ezekiel who continue to lead the discipleship conferences.

URUGUAY: TIM & SUSANNA GRETSCHMANN request prayer for Florencia who has become cool in regards to spiritual matters. Praise! Jesus, Axel, and Lucrecia will be baptized at the Gretschmann's home on November 7. Pray for Tim as he continues to disciple Jesus and Axel. Pray also for Tim as he has his appointment with immigration officials on November 15. Pray he would have favor and receive his visa.


GUINEA: The GUINEA TEAM requests prayer for rain. The rains ended early this year before the peanut harvest was finished. The ground is too dry to successfully uproot the peanuts. The young rice growing in the swamps has also been compromised due to the lack of rain. Also, several of the Guinea Yalunka church leaders will be traveling to Sierra Leone to participate in a disciple-making workshop. Pray God would begin working in their lives now to prepare them to receive the teaching God has for them. Pray also for travel safety.


UNITED STATES: Praise! A STAFF MEMBER shares that she was recently given the opportunity to talk about God's plan of love and forgiveness by being asked to help with a class assignment from a young neighbor.

KENYA: Results of a highly contested re-election in Kenya have been announced. Pray as violence has broken out over the election and it has renewed tensions between Kenya's forty ethnic groups. CHARLES KINYANJUI, Regional Strategy Coordinator for Eastern Africa, requests prayer for the nation as well as his disciples and disciplers.

AFRICA: A STAFF COUPLE requests prayer that they would have the opportunity to speak words of peace into the minds and hearts of a co-worker and her family who are attempting to earn their way into heaven through earthly deeds. Pray also for the staff couple as they continue their language development.

UNITED STATES: On Wednesday, BILL & DEBBIE JONES will be leading a Breaking Free 101 class on “Bondage vs. Freedom” – dealing with the sins of the flesh and breaking bonds created by those sins. Pray for protection for attendees and the Joneses, that God will bring to mind the specific sins that each person needs to confess, and that the Spirit will assist them in truly breaking the bonds related to those sins. Pray also for Bill & Debbie as they disciple Austin, Blake, Evan, John, Seth, Janna, Jocelyne, Olivia, and Natalie on a regular basis.

SPAIN: TIM & RUTH STUCK request prayer for special wisdom and sensitivity as they seek to encourage various individuals in their lives.

HUNGARY: DAVID & GRACE MCBRIER will be in the US for the next two and a half months. If you would like to connect with them and hear about their ministry in Hungary, please contact them at or 574-707-2976.

SPAIN: The World Partners Eastern and Western Europe Regional Staff conferences will take place November 3-17 in Benidorm, Spain. Pray for RICK DUGAN, LESLIE FOSTER, DAVE MANN, and TAMI SWYMELER, and JEREMY TICE as they lead these meetings. Pray for travel safety and that the conferences would be a time of fellowship, learning, strategizing, and sharing with one another regarding discipleship in their own context.




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